Saturday, March 19, 2011

Did Your Kid Really Wear That Outfit Today?

Walking through the mall we see the clothes that the people around us are wearing and sometimes we think, 'hey that's a cute outfit' if it's a girl, then we look at the person wearing it and we realize that the person wearing it isn't even old enoough to vote and she's wearing something that a "working girl" on Stockton blvd would blush to wear. And for me I always want to say to the girl "How old are you? And does your mother know that you are wearing that?" It reminds me of the tide commercial where the dad see's a skirt hanging out to dry realizes 'this can't be my wifes that means this is my daughters' and proceeds to make it dirty so that she can't wear it. I applaud everytime I see that commercial. It showing what a parents reaction should be when their child is about to dress like a hooker. I want to reach out and smack the mom because she just enables her child to wear something that is not age appropriate. I understand that some girls and women follow fashion diligently, and yes for a brief period of time I wore that kind of appreal. The thing was I was in my twenties when I did. I wasn't in my teens. Parents who think that letting their female children wear clothes that a hooker would sport on Stockton Blvd should not be surprised when that daughter at 18 is pregnant or already a mother. If you want your daughter to stay "clean" don't give her the tools that will aid her on the path to early parenthood. Frankly I have said it before to change the behavior take away the enablers....Or perpared for being a grandparent when your child is still a child.
The C.S.I. mom

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do You Know Where Your Kid is?

Before you ask no I'm not a cop. Not yet. But I have my eye set on becoming one. One thing that you should know is I am a mom. So I think like a future cop but more I think like a mom. So when I see kids easily young enough to be my kid, and doing something that just screams 'I'm and indiot'. My first thought is 'where is your parents?' My second thought is 'Do you realize that what your about to do is illegal?' We all see those dumb for lack of a better term hoodlums on the cop shows and we say to ourselves at least that isn't my kid and then when you look around, you don't know where the kid is. People we are told in the bible 'he who is without sin cast the first stone', and for me it's easy because my daughter is young enough to understand that if mommy says that's bad, I shouldn't do it. I want to say to all the parents out there that want to be their kids friend. Be a friend, but be a parent FIRST. Know where your kid is, and what they are doing it will give those that are cops and those of us that want to be a break.