Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Quiet time" and Curfews...

As I have mentioned previously, I'm not only a future member of law enforcement I'm a mom and a wife. So the concept of "quiet-time" laws and curfews when I was younger offended me. Now though I get the need for them and the desire to ENFORCE them. I live in a place where the homes are nearly right on top of each other, no it is not an apartment building, but similar in nature. In our neighborhood are regulations you might think of them as CCR's for conduct within the neighborhood boundaries, one of those rules is that all loud music or noise must be down or off by 10 pm. When I was younger I thought who cares what time I shut off my music; if I want to be outside still partying at 1 or 2 in the morning I should have that right. Now as a parent I have come to appreciate those rules, since getting little kids to sleep at a certain time and making sure that they go to sleep is hard enough, but when there is major distractions outside, it just makes it that much harder. 
 With the curfew it kind of works with the quiet time laws as a kid is not likely to be where they shouldn't if they are respecting the quiet time laws, they are more than likely to be at home where they should be. The need for respecting the quiet time laws really makes one think that even though you think they are a nuisance they have a purpose and are actually written as a way of giving parents and other adults with young kids a break. So the next time your neighbor comes out and it is after 11 pm and they ask you to shut off or turn down the music, know that they aren't saying it to be a pain, and put your self in their position and cut them a break and do as your asked. They are just trying to get a cranky, rowdy, munchkin to bed and your just making it harder. So be a good neighbor and help out. Another bit of advice from the mom cop.

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